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Al-Dweiqa slum in Cairo in the aftermath of the September 2008 rockslide, CAIRO, november 2009

Al-Dweiqa slum in Cairo in the aftermath of the September 2008 rockslide

Trucks transport the furniture of residents of Istable Antar slum in Cairo to new homes about 50 km outside the capital, CAIRO, november 2009

Trucks transport the furniture of residents of Istable Antar slum in Cairo to new homes about 50 km outside the capital, CAIRO, november 2009

Trucks transport the furniture of residents of Istable Antar slum in Cairo to new homes about 50 km outside the capital

Logo Gobierno Vasco

Logo Gobierno Vasco






Volontari per il diritto alla casa senza frontiere

Volontari per il diritto alla casa senza frontiere