Keyword: FAL

FAL , Belém 25 февраля 2009 г.

VIII Asamblea Mundial de la Red FAL

IX Foro Social Mundial, VIII Asamblea Mundial de la Red FAL- Belém Do Pará, 31 de Enero de 2009COMPROMISO DE BELÉM: Una Agenda de Futuro para las Autoridades Locales. Lea acá el texto completo del compromiso.RED FAL

México D.F, Foro de Autoridades Locales Progresistas

Las campanas de San Francisco, ciudad de México, repican a las 9.00 horas del día 17 de noviembre de 2010 anunciando la liturgia y justo a esta hora también se abren las puertas coloniales del magnifico edificio de la Escuela de Administración Publica del Gobierno del Distrito Federal, donde se inaugura el Encuentro de ciudades progresistas: Hacia la IX Asamblea de la RED FAL en Dakar, Foro de Autoridades Locales para la Inclusión Social y la Democracia Participativa: Poder Local frente a la Crisis Global, en articulación con los movimientos sociales.

The FAL network calls for participation in its 9th World Assembly in Dakar on February 8th 2011

The commitment of the FAL Network with the World Assembly of Inhabitants November 17th, Mexico FD. The hall was crowded and two screens were installed outside in order that the mass of local authorities and social activists gathered could follow the meeting. A group of more than 250 participants, including more than a hundred mayors, attended the Meeting of Progressive Local Authorities heading to Dakar 2011, which was held in the framework of the 3rd Mayors and Local Governments (UCLG) World Summit.

Dichiarazione di Dakar – Le autorità locali per il diritto alla casa

Abdel Sadi, Mairie de Bobigny, présente la Déclaration du FAL à l'Assemblée Mondiale des Habitants The 9th  World Assembly of the Forum of Local Authorities, taking place in Dakar (Senegal) on February 8, 2011, fully supports and shows its solidarity with World Assembly of Inhabitants of February 10 in Dakar. We are committed to carrying out joint measures with inhabitants organizations to declare our territories “anti-eviction zones” and to organize chains of solidarity to ensure that this declaration is actually acted upon.