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USF Napoles: Call a halt to worldwide real-estate speculation

Massive demolitions in Zimbabwe, expulsion of the gypsy communities of France and Italy, violent evictions in Cambodia and Turkey, relocation of entire ethnic groups for the implementation of megaprojects in Brazil, eradication of peasant farmers in Argentina to extend the frontier of soybean monoculture, evictions due to non-repayment of loans of hundreds of thousands of people in Spain, Germany, Italy, Mexico, are just some examples of the hundreds of cases which have been presented at the Urban Social Forum taking place in Naples.

USF debates funding options for urban land and housing in Latin america and the Caribbean

On 4th September, representatives from Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Brazil met at the Urban Social Forum in Naples to discuss how to promote alternative urban land and housing policies for the region and how to strengthen advocacy efforts and encourage governments to adopt better means of funding low-income housing development.

Dialogue: The Right to City for theDefense of Common Goods - Monday, 3rd September 2012

Edoardo Salzano Edoardo Salzano (Eddyburg, Italia) & Dimitri Roussopulos (Canada) Coordinator: Yves Cabannes (DPU, Londra) This year the USF calls for The Right to the City for the Defense of Common Goods  “in the consolidation of dialogue and alliances to reach a consensus on a platform and program for common action between urban and rural inhabitant movements and all those organizations, networks and institutions that struggle for the rights to housing, land, common goods, and to the city ” (see the manifesto).

SE/ED Nápoles: Movimientos e instituciones: una relación difícil, pero necesaria

El encuentro en el Foro Social Urbano de Nápoles, promovido por eddyburg.it y por la escuela de verano de planificación, ha sido abierto por las intervenciones de Mauro Baioni e Ilaria Boniburini quienes han ilustrado las intervenciones, el desenvolvimiento, y las conclusiones del seminario, llevado a cabo en Sezano (VR) y dedicado al tema “Movimientos e Instituciones: sujetos antagonistas y subscriptores de un nuevo pacto”.