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Borrar la deuda para alojar a los pobres del mundo

Estudio sobre la relación entre Deuda y Vivienda en algunos Países de América Latina y Caribe, 2014. En el marco del proceso de aportes para la incidencia en políticas de financiamiento de tierra y vivienda para la población en condiciones de pobreza en América Latina y El Caribe y con base en la experiencia desarrollada en el Foro Social Urbano Alternativo y Popular de Medellín en abril 2014 se confirmó la utilidad de contar con instrumentos de acción y de incidencia fundamentados en análisis propios de los habitantes.Es así que se concretiza el estudio de alcance regional sobre la relación entre la deuda soberana y la deuda de vivienda en algunos países de América Latina, que permita elaborar una estrategia sobre el canje de deuda, protagonizada por los habitantes organizados y que involucre tanto el País deudor como el País acreedor.Así pues, este estudio pretende ser una herramienta temática y unitaria para construir la alternativa al enfoque neoliberal de la ONU hacia la Cumbre Hábitat III en 2016.

Publicación: Alternativas populares de acceso a recursos para la construcción de vivienda. Una experiencia en el Sureste de México

Una experiencia de producción social de vivienda en el Sureste de México, coordinadora Cristina Almazán.Para impulsar un proceso colectivo y unitario en la defensa del derecho a la vivienda adecuada y por acceso a financiamientos alternativos para tierra y vivienda, en el Sureste de México se trabajo para posicionar la estrategia de la Vía urbana y comunitaria para bien habitar el planeta.  Alternativas populares de acceso a recursos para la construcción de vivienda.pdf [1.79 MB]

Publication: "Políticas alternativas de vivienda en América Latina y el Caribe"

One step further in the construction process of the Urban and Community Way towards an alternative Social Urban Pact Land and housing policies implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean, founded on the role of the state as facilitator and the subsidiary role of private initiative, have failed all the countries of the region in a definitive way; in spite of economic growth, there is a year-by-year increase in the deficit of adequate housing, affecting mainly lower income sectors. Recently, the multilateral organizations that have promoted these policies, conscious of this failure, have tried out diverse formulas in an attempt to correct the situation, ineffective because they fail to attack the root cause of the housing problem. This study by the International Alliance of Inhabitants identifies what the causes are and points out how they should be tackled in order to come up with a potentially successful solution to the problem. Given the importance of analyzing each problem in its concrete context, it is necessary to start from a new focus that will enhance research and bring us closer to viable solutions. The Urban Popular University (UPU) is therefore proposing a process of deliberation on alternative social practices that favour the construction of collective knowledge capable of having an impact on public policies. The first step taken by the IAI and the organizations that are converging in the construction of the Urban and Community Way has been to redefine the notion of “housing”, an exercise that has served to propose a goal for policies, priorities and more suitable strategies. Políticas alternativas de vivienda en América Latina y El Caribe.pdf [2.53 MB]
Thursday 16 May 2013


With the failure of policies based on housing as a commodity, the time has come for alternative policies based on housing as a right.
Thursday 04 April 2013

Popular's Guide for Zero Evictions, in defence of territory

The Popular's Guide for Zero Evictions, in defence of territory, was developed on the basis of the practical experience of the IAI members and of other organisations and networks, describing the political organising needed to prevent mass evictions, and the many measures available for defending communities and people. We developed it for neighbourhood, regional and/or national leaders who would like to put their struggles into context, as a local action strategy, and who successfully establish political relationships at local, national and international level, with diverse actors, and can therefore contribute to the prevention of mass-scale evictions throughout the world. The Guide has 5 sections, through which we analyse the global context leading to evictions, provide a typology of evictions, and tabulate the strategies used in IAI's Zero Evictions campaign. The clear thread running through this is to support the initiation, the development and strengthening of political leadership in areas threatened by forced evictions, to contribute to building and strengthening community-based social movements, in cities, towns and villages. Finally, it describes 7 experiences from which lessons can be learned in order to record and analyse strategies to defend the right to housing and land. IAI would like the Guide, along with the Zero Evictions Campaign, to be used as shared tool that consolidates the strategy and political impact of the Urban and Community Way.>>> Soon the English version

Justice on the Streets, participatory action research with homeless people in Budapest

We are happy to share with you the closing study of the participatory action research project launched by The City is for All in 2011 about discrimination experienced by homeless people in Budapest.

Programa básico de autoformación en vivienda y hábitat

Contiene objetivos, temas, bibliografía y módulos de capacitación.
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Inhabitants’ Memory

Discussion paper on Inhabitants’ Network actions  “To live well on our planet”

La città non è solo un affare

È stampato (ma non ancora disponibile in libreria), il libro “La città non è solo un affare”, di Mauro Baioni, Ilaria Boniburini, Edoardo Salzano, Æmilia University Press, Reggio Emilia, 2012,pp. 164+XVI € 12. È il libro che conclude il primo ciclo settennale della scuola estiva di pianificazione “Scuola di eddyburg” ed è stato presentato al primo Seminario di Eddyburg (Sezano, VR, 31 agosto 2012) e al Foro Sociale Urbano (Napoli, 4 settembre 2012).