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Inhabitants of Americas


A Victorious Day of Struggle for CONAM

12 de agosto 2009 em Brasília It is a day to fight the crisis, for lower interest rates and for more social rights and public policies concluded by a march and meetings in Brasilia. Caravans from all over the country brought in hundreds of community delegates. A demonstration on the Ministries Esplanade and meetings in the ministries marked August 12 as CONAM Day in Brasilia.

Announces National Poor People's March in Detroit, Spring 2010

Marching to Fulfill the Dream: In the face of the Global Crisis, Campaign Will Mobilize Thousands to Claim Economic Rights “Martin Luther King dreamed not only of racial justice, but of organizing across racial lines to secure economic justice for all. In 1998 the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC) picked up the mantle of MLK and vowed to work until the dream was fulfilled. If you think we’re there, you can ignore this. But if you’re hurting, or your mother or your brother or your neighbor or friend is hurting, put on your walking shoes,” said Cheri Honkala, National Organizer of the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC).At its national conference in July, nearly 400 representatives of PPEHRC member organizations voted to organize the next phase of the campaign—a march from the Katrina-torn Gulf through the Mississippi Delta and on through the Rust Belt.

Perú: Dos años de olvido, la reconstrucción no avanza

Comunicado de la ASOCIACION DE MUNICIPALIDADES AFECTADAS POR EL TERREMOTO DEL SUR (A M U P A T)Llegamos al segundo año del fatídico terremoto que dejó dolor y mayor pobreza en los pueblos del sur. El gobierno difunde avisos en la televisión con grandes cifras de dinero supuestamente gastado y de cientos de proyectos que habrían sido ejecutados. Sin embargo las familias afectadas no ven esas obras difundidas por los medios oficiales. Aún más, hoy, apresurada y demagógicamente se anuncia la existencia de nuevos recursos que sólo están en los papeles. Basta ya de tanto engaño e indolencia ante la tragedia. AMUPAT demanda el cumplimiento de los compromisos asumidos formalmente por el Poder Ejecutivo.

La sociedad civil en marcha contra el gobierno

Organizaciones sociales, políticas y gremiales marcharon a la sede del gobierno porteño en rechazo a los desalojos y para denunciar recortes en los planes de vivienda.

Venezuela: La Red Metropolitana de Inquilinos entregó propuesta a la Asamblea Nacional

Frente a la Asamblea, 4 de agosto 2009 La Red Metropolitana de Inquilinos, el martes 04 de agosto realizó una amplia concentración en las afueras de la Asamblea Nacional con el objetivo de entregar a los Diputados de la Comisión Permanente de Administración y Servicios Públicos de la Asamblea Nacional una Metodología realizada por los miembros del movimiento social, titulada: “Metodología de Cálculo del Justo Valor para la Compra y Venta de Viviendas en Alquiler de Vieja Data”.

UN-HABITAT’s International Advisory Group Investigates Forced Evictions in Argentina

Playón de Chacarita, 3 de agosto de 2009 On August 2, 2009, members of the International Advisory Group on Forced Evictions (AGFE) arrived in Argentina to investigate cases in Buenos Aires, Viedma, Allen and Ushuaia.This first visit by the International Authorities to Argentina demonstrates a growing concern in the international community about the insecurity of housing in the country. This issue has been brought to the forefront by Habitat Network Argentina, the International Alliance of Inhabitants, COHRE and other mobilized institutions of cities under scrutiny, including legislators from various provinces and civil society organizations.

Jornada de lutas da CONAM - 2009

Convocada pela diretoria a Jornada Nacional de lutas da CONAM, para o dia 12 de agosto em Brasília e nos dias 27 a 31 de julho nos estados, tendo como eixo político: "PARA COMBATER A CRISE, MENOS JUROS, MAIS DIREITOS SOCIAIS E MAIS POLITICAS PUBLICAS".

International Advisory Group on Forced Evictions investigates New Orleans Housing Crisis

Members of the Advisory Group on Forced Evictions (AGFE), arrive in New Orleans to investigate the forced eviction of thousands of residents as part of the city’s ongoing post-Hurricane Katrina redevelopment.

Paraguay, déficit de vivienda y propuestas

Por Marilina Marichal l déficit de viviendas en Paraguay se estima de 700.000 y crece en una estimación de 25.000 unidades por año. Téngase presente que la población paraguaya no supera los 6.000.000 (seis millones) de habitantes. Son numerosos los desalojos violentos de los asentamientos, con ordenes judiciales basadas títulos de propiedad de dudosa procedencia y muchas veces inexistentes.

S. Domingo, announces a consortium in support of land titling and housing plans

The European Mission talks with inhabitants on a visit to Los 3 Brazos, by the shores of the river Ozama, in Santo Domingo East A European consortium has been formed to support funding for the land titling and finance of social housing in the country Institutions of European cooperation announced their availability to form a consortium in support of the creation of a fund that will finance social housing projects, land titling and access to land. This was conceived in the form of the proposal of a housing act; Housing and Human Settlements put forward by the National Congress for the Network of Popular Urban Coordination, the Housing Cooperative COOPHABITAT and various deputies.