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Inhabitants of Europe


Slovenia: Landmark ruling by the Council of Europe for Housing rights

Association of Tenants of Slovenia The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR), the Council of Europe body responsible for monitoring the implementation of the European Social Charter, reached the decision that Slovenia is in violation of the Charter with regards to housing rights. In the context of Collective complaint no. 53/2008, the ECSR considered that downgrading tenants’ legal protection is not in line with the international obligations deriving from the Social Charter. This decision provides case-law which will be useful in courts on a local, national and international level and is a step towards a more social Europe.

Expulsions massives dans la banlieue de Moscou : les habitants menacent de s’immoler

Le 21 janvier, en pleine nuit, les forces de l’ordre ont commencé l’assaut du village de datchas (habitations de campagne) « Rechnik », dans la banlieue ouest de Moscou. Les habitants (autour de 2000 personnes), qui luttent depuis des mois pour la reconnaissance de leur droit à la propriété de leurs terrains et habitations, faisaient la garde à l’entrée du lotissement et ont rapidement organisé la résistance. Ils ont érigé des barricades et appelé à l’aide les organisations d’autodéfense des habitants d’autres quartiers de Moscou.

Istanbul, Exchange seminar: How people face evictions

An exchange seminar will take place in Istanbul, Turkey in February 2010, bringing together community leaders and activists representing struggles against forced evictions from the Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo), Brazil (Porto Alegre), Argentina (Buenos Aires), Pakistan (Karachi), China (Huangzhou), Turkey (Istanbul) and Egypt. The four-day exchange will be hosted by the Housing Rights Coordination in Turkey.

Italia, Unione Inquilini per l'edilizia popolare e la solidarietà

Il Coordinamento nazionale ha lanciato il programma di lotta 2010, contro gli sfratti e per lo sviluppo dell'edilizia residenziale pubblica, come risposta alla crisi. Prime date: manifestazioni a Roma il 29 gennaio e a Milano a febbraio, appoggio allo sciopero dei migranti del 1 marzo. Rilanciata una forte politica di alleanze e l'impegno internazionalista con IAI: partecipazione alla costituzione della Rete degli Avvocati per il Diritto alla Casa Senza Frontiere e solidarietà con le organizzazioni di abitati per la ricostruzione partecipata di Haiti.

INCONTRO NAZIONALE U.I. Firenze - Sabato 23 Gennaio 2010

INCONTRO NAZIONALE U.I. Un mercato immobiliare irrazionale, con affitti da strozzo ed elevatissimi prezzi di vendita, sta portando milioni di famiglie italiane e di lavoratori immigrati allo sbando; cresce il degrado e nel degrado la rabbia, l'intolleranza, la xenofobia. In questa drammatica fase economica, il nocciolo della questione, per un governo concepito come servizio alla collettività, sta nell'utilizzazione delle risorse finanziarie e patrimoniali a disposizione dello Stato e degli altri Enti Pubblici.

Bon Pastor, Barcelona: bloquear los desalojos y las demoliciones, negociar otro Plan de Remodelación

Las casas baratas de Buen Pastor, en el Distrito de Sant Andreu (Barcelona) Muchas familias del barrio de Bon Pastor están bajo amenaza de desalojo, mostrando la insostenibilidad del Plan de Remodelación corriente y las ilegalidades que comporta. Por lo tanto, es esencial otra remodelación , que garantice cero desalojos y una participación real de los habitantes del barrio. AIH está promoviendo un Concurso internacional de ideas para elaborar soluciones alternativas (www.repensarbonpastor.wordpress.com ) y ahora envía un llamamiento a la solidaridad para defender el derecho a la vivienda de las familias amenazadas, bloquear las demoliciones y abrir negociaciones con las contrapartes públicas.

Más de 4000 personas se manifiestan en Hamburgo por el derecho a la ciudad

Más de 4000 personas se manifiestan en Hamburgo por el derecho a la ciudad Red “Derecho a la ciudad”. Más de cuatro mil personas y numerosos coches laboriosamente decorados participaron hoy en el “Desfile por el derecho a la ciudad” en Moorweide.

Demonstration in Paris for the implementation of the Requisition Act

Hundreds of people demonstrated in Paris to demand the implementation of the Requisition Act concerning empty buildings A few hundred people demonstrated in Paris on Saturday, in answer to the call from several associations, to demand the implementation of the Requisition Act concerning empty buildings.

Moscou, Rassemblement pour la défense de la place Pouchkine

Rassemblement pour la défense de la place Pouchkine Le 6 décembre à Moscou a eu lieu un rassemblement pour défendre la place Pouchkine, menacée de reconstruction, et inciter les parlementaires de la ville à ne pas adopter le nouveau schéma directeur d'aménagement de Moscou ainsi que les règles d’occupation des sols et de construction. L’initiative de l’action venait de plusieurs organisations de la gauche : le mouvement social Mossovet, le Front de gauche, RKRP-RPK (Parti communiste ouvrier), les mouvements Vperiod (« En avant ») et Solidarnost.

Inhabitants threatened with eviction in Sochi Region stage a protest

Inhabitants threatened with eviction in Sochi Region stage a protest On 6 December 2009, more than 500 people gathered in front of the Olympic stadium being constructed at Adler (Sochi-Krasnodar region) to protest against threats of eviction. They are protesting against the confiscation of their land with a view to preparing the Sochi Olympics to be organized in 2014. The financial compensation offered for land and buildings is considered to be well below their market value.