Home » Space of organized inhabitants » Evictions » desalojo en brizas

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desalojo en brizas

Title of entry:
desalojo en brizas
Dominican Republic
santo domingo este
brizas del este
Name of community or family threatened with eviction:
brizas del este
Estimated number of people affected (in figures):
Type of tenure:
informal housing, low income , Adultos , Children
Case history:
inversiones clara reclaman los terrenos habitados 2500 metros
Scale of responsibility:
Violations of international legislation:
Reasons given for eviction (official and unofficial) :
los reclamantes dicen tener un titulo legar
Main events in the eviction (date, year, time):
ya ha susedido una audiencia y fue suspendida
Authorities planning or carrying out the eviction:
el abogado del estado,Casilla minaya
Organisations involved, their strengths and weaknesses, and their position on the problem :
copadeba,centro montalvo,cedail.y junta de vecinos del lugar.son organizaciones que trabajo
Agencies, NGOs or other organisations providing support to the community affected:
copadeba,centro montalvo,cedail
Measures taken or proposed by community members and/or organisations supporting them to resist eviction and/or find alternative solutions:
se estan haciendo contactos con las autoridades de bienes nacionales
Options or possible solutions proposed by local or national authorities for the communities affected:
Important future dates (specify what and when: day, month, year) :
caso judicial 30 de julio 2009
Source of information (name, address and nature of involvement) :
Israel Marrero AIH cero desalojo republica dominicana
Relationship of community organisations involved with IAI:
Participates in Zero Evictions Campaign
pedro sanchez