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Inhabitants of Americas


Building an Urban and Communitarian Way from Porto Alegre to the Peoples’ Summit in Rio

Building an Urban and Communitarian Way from Porto Alegre to the Peoples’ Summit in Rio During the Thematic Social Forum in Porto Alegre which included CONAM, FCOC, IAI, FNRU, the unity of urban social movements was highlighted. Also highlighted was the fight against evictions. This debate takes place in the context of participation-building at the Peoples’ Summit and at the Peoples’ Permanent Assembly that will take place parallel to the Rio+20 United Nations Conference, where we intend to advance the construction of the Urban and Communitarian Way.

Lima: marcha contra la revocatoria de la alcaldesa Susana Villarán

El pueblo protesta contra la revocatoria El día 31 de enero miles de personas han tomado las calles de Lima para protestare civilmente contra la propuesta de revocatoria contra Susana Villarán, la actual alcaldesa de la capital peruana.

USA, No Fooling, National Day of Action for the Right to Exist: April 1st

"They want us out of our community!" "We're always told to move on, but to where? There are no places for us to be" Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP) and USA-Canada Alliance of Inhabitants (USACAI) are calling on our members and allies throughout the United States and Canada to join us on April 1 for a bi-national day of action to protest the ongoing criminalization of poor and homeless people in our communities.

Vale wins the Public Eye Awards, given to the worst company in the world

After 21 days of fierce competition, the Brazilian mining company Vale was elected, this Thursday, as the worst corporation in the world at the Public Eye Awards, known as the “Nobel” of corporate world shame. Created in 2,000, the Public Eye awards annually a winning company, chosen by popular vote following environmental, social, and labor criteria, during the World Economic Forum held in the Swiss city of Davos.

Brazil: The National Forum for Urban Reform denounces the belligerent actions unjustly defending property rights in Pinheirinho

A cowardly and inhuman act, one of the worst examples of VIOLATIONS TO THE RIGHTS OF PINHEIRINHO INHABITANTS (THE RIGHT TO THE CITY, THE RIGHT TO HOUSING, THE RIGHT TO TENURE REGULARIZATION) – at the hands of the Mayor, the State Governor, and the São Paulo State Judiciary.

Send your signatures by 2/15/12

The Federal Government of Mexico is handing over territory to a Canadian mining company that practices open pit mining, and we are fighting to prevent them from setting up in Veracruz. The UCISV-Ver requests and the IAI supports, decisively and with all of your heart that you help them obtain signatures from the citizens of your country to stop these imperialistic projects that only result in death.

The inhabitants toward the People's Summit. Proposals and struggles for living well on our planet

The International Alliance of Inhabitants, global network of urban social organizations and movements without boundaries, strongly supports the Call of the People's Summit for Social and environmental Justice and the Permanent Assembly of the Peoples, against the commoditisation of life and nature and in defense of common goods, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-23 June 2012,  simultaneously to the UN Conference for Sustainable Development (Rio+20).

Zero evictions for 200 tenants but repair their homes!

The Westminster Court apartments in St. Paul, Minn. have been cited with hundreds of violations and are currently in foreclosure. (MPR Photo/Jeffrey Thompson) The Minnesota Tenants Union is organizing with tenants in a 60 unit apartment complex foreclosed in St. Paul, Minnesota, under threat of displacement. We'd like your help. Specifically, some support messages from member groups worldwide to relevant city officials here would be a real shot in thearm for the tenants.

Haïti-Séisme-2 ans : Marche à Port-au-Prince en souvenir des disparus

Plusieurs dizaines de personnes, pour la plupart des victimes directes et indirectes du séisme de janvier 2010, ont manifesté, ce jeudi 12 janvier 2012, dans divers endroits de la capitale à Port-au-Prince, à l’appel du collectif des organisations pour la défense du droit au logement et avec la solidarité de l'Alliance Internationale des Habitants.

Redoblando la Solidaridad para que los Habitantes de Haití Puedan Vivir con Dignidad

Mobilisation Journée Mondiale Zéro Expulsions-pour le Droit à l'Habitat (Port au Prince, 3 10 2011) Las organizaciones integrantes de la Antena Dominicana de la Alianza Internacional de Habitantes, AIH, al cumplirse el segundo año del terremoto que el 12 de enero 2010 devasto parte de Puerto Príncipe y otras ciudades, reiteran su solidaridad militante con las organizaciones de habitantes y solidarias con los centenares de miles de personas que siguen viviendo en campamentos, sin servicios básicos y bajo constantes amenazas, agresiones y acoso por sectores al servicio del capital inmobiliario.