Buenos Aires, Camp for an indeterminate time before the IVC to demand housing rights
The IAI Zero Evictions Antenna South is accompanying the camp carrying out in the very centre of Buenos Aires from May 5 by various organizations which are asking for public policies to defend the right to dignified housing. It is a tense situation because of the housing crisis and the failure to provide evidenced by the UN Special Rapporteur on Housing Right during her mission the last few weeks, and that will be submitted to the ICESCR Committee (Geneva, Nov 27-Dec.3 ) whose task isto monitor the implementation of legal obligations assumed by Argentina with the ratification of the ICESCR.
The tents raised in the small plaza in front of IVC, at Carlos Pellegrini andPerón, transformed the landscape of the centre. There families connected with the Movement for Public Housing, are demanding a “definitive solution” to the lack of housing, which affects around 500 thousand persons, according to a report of the Buenos Aires Legislature. With respect to this picture, they asked that there be an increase on the budget for public housing and that the execution be under the “full” controll of inhabitants and their organizations. Furthermore, they are requesting the “immediate halt” of evictions, which now “leaves families abandoned in the streets”, they claimed. Those camping out, belonging to MTD Aníbal Verón (CTA), MTL Rebelde and the Cooperativa 20 de Noviembre, among others, installed themselves from the 5th of May alongside the 9th of July Avenue.
“There is no policy for housing. One of the main problems is the access to credit” complained one of the members of the camp. For this reason, one of the demands is the creation of easy credit, as in the law 341, and the provision of individual credit, of 142 thousand pesos. Following this line, families are asking that “social rent” be put into practice, that is to say, that the sum not exceed 20 percent of the family income, with state guarantees. In addition, “we need to simplify the procedure to permit access to the programs”, suggested another of those camping out. The flags sheltered the inhabitants from the wind and the passing cars, while children played behind the awnings. With constant meetings and an open radio, the organizations sought to make visible their claims in the real centre of Buenos Aires: a tax on vacant housing, the adoption of a law for emergency housing, the urbanization of the shanty towns-without “political clientelism” they declared-and trial and punishment for those responsible for the deaths of Indoamerican Parc.
Camp and Open Radio for an Indeterminate Time in front of the IVC
Bring your claim, your tent and your flag
There is a convening of all the organizations which bring something to fortify the proposed requests. The assembly is from Monday to Friday at 7 pm o’clock and Saturday at 1.30 pm in the camp.
Movimiento por Vivienda Popular
- Plans for Public Housing: That the Government of the Nation and the City, as promised when they evicted the Indoamerican Parc in December 2010
- Trial and Punishment the Assassins of Companions of Indoamerican
- Cessation of Prosecution of the Protesters
- No more evictions, immediate halt of them. Automatic renewal of subsidies for those evicted.
- Urbanization of the slums for all the inhabitants with control by the inhabitants and social organizations and policies without political favouritism.
- Social rent , which doesn’t exceed 20 % of family income, and with state guarantee
- Increase in the budget for social housing and the complete execution by the inhabitants and social organizations
- For a definitive housing solution: creation of programs for easy credit such as law 341 and the true implementation of all steps: land purchase, work beginning, advances in legal title deed. That credits are offered to individuals without political clientelism.
- For a law for Emergency Housing with a program and real budget.
- Program for transitory to permanent housing
- No to the sale of lands of the IVC, neither of lands nor state properties. That all the real estate of the IVC set aside for public housing programs. That all the properties of the IVC be dedicated to programs for social housing. Start making available the Real Estate Bank for organizations without land
- Tax on vacant housing
Convocan: MTL Rebelde; Cooperativas Ley 341, Coop. Dulce Hogar, Coop. Congreso, Coop. Domingo 7, Coop. 10 de Noviembre, Coop. Uritorco, Coop. Casa Social de Flores, Coop. Antares y otras; MP La Dignidad; MTD Aníbal Verón (CTA); Asamblea de Flores (CTA); TPR; Agrup. Villera Piquetera; Movimiento Resistencia Popular; Tupinamis.
Adhieren: Movimiento por un Pueblo Libre, Proyecto7 Gente en situación de Calle, Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), Artículo 14 VIP en Antena Negra TV, MTR por la Democracia Directa, Guillermo López de Cultura Indígena, Elena Cedrón de Confraternizar Hoy, Partido de los Poetas y Trovadores, Prisma – La Pulpería, Programa “Con la Casa a Cuestas”, Radio Aracabarraca, Bialet Masse, Corriente Universitaria Plan B, Bachillerato Popular La Dignidad (Soldati), Bachillerato Popular Barracas al Sur, Jardín El Globo Rojo, Jardín de Teresa, Jardín de Barracas, Jardín de Bajo Flores, Bachillerato Popular Villa Crespo, Comisión Popular por los Derechos Humanos (COPODH), Cooperativa de Trabajo “Nuevo Horizonte”, Barricada Cultural, Centro Comunitario de Salud del Bajo Flores, Bloque Piquetero Nacional: Unión de Trabajadores en Lucha (UTL), Movimiento Brazo Libertario (MBL), Unión de Trabajadores por la Dignidad deTigre (UTD de Tigre), Movimiento Teresa Rodríguez 12 de Abril MTR 12 de Abril, Movimiento Giros, Movimiento Teresa Rodríguez (MTR); FeTERA Flores (colectivo de base de la Federación de Trabajadores de la Energía de la República Argentina en CTA.) Aurora Tumanischwili Penelòn, Guillermo López, Ingrid Storgen,Comunicadora Social; Marta Speroni, Activista por los Derechos Humanos – Argentina; Cristina Castello, Poeta y Periodista Argentina, desde Francia; Carlos Guanciarrosa, Agrupación Enrique Mosconi, FeTERA en CTA, Argentina; Carlos Loza, Junta Interna de ATE, AGP (Asociación General de Puertos en la Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina, CTA); Eduardo Espinosa, ATE (Asociación de Trabajadores del Estado, en CTA), Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina;Convocatoria por la Liberación Nacional y Social, Frente Sindical, Argentina; Carina Maloberti, Secretaria de Organización Nacional de ATE, CTA, Argentina;Alejandro Cabrera Britos, delegado ATE (Asociación de Trabajadores del Estado) de la CTA (Central de Trabajadores Argentinos) en el SENASA (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria), Junta Interna Delegados en DILAB (Dirección de Laboratorios) Martinez- Buenos Aires Argentina;Compañeras y compañeros de Convocatoria por la Liberación Nacional y Social: Argentina; Agrupación"Tolo Arce"- ATE-SENASA Capital Federal; Agrupación"Germán Abdala" - ATE-Ministerio de Trabajo de la Nación; Agrupación "8 de Marzo " - ATE- UBA - Fac. de Ingeniería; Agrupación " Agustín Tosco" - Río Segundo – Córdoba;Democracia Popular - Rosario - Santa Fe; Agrupación Martín Fierro (Varela - Alte. Brown- Mar del Plata y Cipoletti); María Rosa González, Comunicadora Social, Argentina;Colectivo desde el Pie, FCEyN-UBA; Frente de Organizaciones en Lucha (FOL); Red de Hábitat; Red Latina Sin Fronteras; Compadres del Horizonte; Alianza Internacional de Habitantes (AIH – Antena Sur); revista Hecho en Buenos Aires; Frente Popular Darío Santillán –Regional Capital; Movimiento Justicia y Libertad (La Plata-Berisso-Ensenada); CTA Regional La Plata-Ensenada; Cooperativa de vivienda y construcción "Luz de Luna" Ltda.; Centro Cultural Alejandro Olmos; Centro Social 25 de Septiembre; siguen las firmas…
The Volunteer translator for housing rights without frontiers of IAI who has collaborated on the translation of this text was: