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Zero Evictions Campaign

30 cases seeking to relaunch the struggle against all evictions

Out of a total of 30 cases of eviction in 16 countries, the International Tribunal on Evictions (TIE) Secretariat, which coordinated the preparatory investigation phase, had the difficult task of selecting the 5 most significant cases in terms of severity, the number of people affected and the representation of themes and continents, to be submitted to the 3rd  Session of the International Tribunal on Evictions.

The five cases:

  • Rome, Italy (tenants, victims of a financial crisis which is out of their control), case presented by the Unione Inquilini;
  • Layoune, Western Sahara (corruption and eviction), case presented by Femme au foyer d'origine sahraoui ;
  • Nairobi, Kenya (global headquarters of UN-HABITAT, flagrant evictions), case presented by Amnesty International Swiss section;
  • Anata, Jerusalem, Palestine (emergency situation of a sixth demolition/eviction for the same family), case presented by Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD);
  • Pucallpa, Peru (evictions of indigenous peoples due to mining activity), case presented by Centro de Promocioón y Desarrollo Rural Amazónico (CEPODRA).

The fact that the other cases have not been selected does not mean that they should be undervalued or abandoned. On the contrary, all the people involved are invited to continue to stay in contact with the ITE, as well as with the organisations and networks that support it, to keep us up to date and to see how we can support their initiatives against housing rights violations.

The interest shown in the 3rd  Session of the ITE is thus serving to strengthen the convergence of everyone’s struggles on a global/local level.

The next step: all the published cases will be sent for follow-up to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing.


ALGÉRIE, ALGER, Famille Mounir


BELGIQUE, LIEGE, Famille Mureddu

BRASIL, OSASCO, Ocupaçao Esperança

BRASIL, SAO PAULO, Comunidades Espraiada

CAMEROUN, DOUALA, Habitants du quartier Nylon

CAMEROUN, YAOUNDÉ, Les habitants de Ntaba

CONGO, KINSHASA, Agriculteurs et fermiers


IRAQ, BAGHDAD, 7 Refugies iraniens pris en otages par la force iranien

ITALIA, BIELLA, Lorena Freddi

ITALIA, MILANO, Famiglia Abatini

ITALIA, MILANO, Famiglia Storace

ITALIA, ROMA, Famiglia Ferraro

ITALIA, ROMA, Famiglia Quarzell

ITALIA, SAVONA, Famiglia Parodi


PALESTINE, ANATA, Salim and Arabiya Shawamreh and family

ROUMANIE, BUCAREST, Communauté de Rahova-Uranus - association labomba

UK, COVENTRY, Roma Gypsies

UK, ESSEX, Irish Travellers

UK, LONDON, Members of so-called 'shortlife' housing co-operatives established in London Borough of Lambeth for 40 years

UK, LONDON, Shortlife Housing Co-operatives

URUGUAY, Desalojo 80 ranchos donde viven familias de distinta forma de organizaciòn



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