International Meeting for Equal Cities - Buenos Aires, 28-31 October 2018
The International Meeting for Equal Cities
will take place from October 28 to 31 in the city of Buenos Aires, linked to the World Zero Evictions Days and the World Day for the Right to the City.
It will include a series of activities such as a cultural event, a workshop on the right to the city and thematic panels on urban inequalities, the care of common goods, feminist urbanism, the future of work, the integration of migrants and refugees,the role and the challenges of intermediate cities and subnational financing.
During the Meeting there will be an Assembly of social movements and a roundtable with progressive mayors from different cities of the world. Likewise, there will be a collective position document to be presented before the Urban20.
International Meeting for Equal Cities
Buenos Aires, 28-31 October 2018
Every year, the G20 brings together heads of state, finance ministers and central banks from 19 countries and the European Union to discuss and make decisions about the global economy, whose impacts are felt throughout the world without taking into account the demands and proposals of social movements and progressive local authorities. Its next summit will be held in Buenos Aires,Argentina, at the end of November of this year.
In this context, the mayors of Buenos Aires and Paris -as members of the megacities network known as C40- launched the Urban 20 initiative. Its promoters intend it to become a regular event (Tokyo will be the next venue in May 2019) to raise the profile of urban problems and strengthen the role of cities in international agendas. The U20 will meet in the same city, just one month before the G20.
What for?
In face of this event, social organizations, grassroots movements, civil society networks, academics and local authorities committed to equality, human rights and sustainability, we propose to show the other faces and the other voices of our cities. We want to address the root causes that generate impoverishment, exclusion and inequality and exchange experiences of resistance and transformative proposals from neighbourhoods and urban groups.
In front of urban extractivism, the city of the capital and the dispossession, we put before us the city of the inhabitants, for the care of people and nature. With the baggage of networking, agreements and learning that have allowed us the world, regional and thematic social forums during the last two decades, we intend to advance in the implementation and conquest of the right to the city and the deepening of the new municipalism as a tool of the alert and mobilized citizenship.
This event aims to contribute to the monitoring of the obligations and commitments incorporated in the new Urban Agenda (Quito, October 2016) as well as the Declaration of cities for the right to housing and the right to the city (New York, July 2018) and The Shift campaign, promoted by the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing with the support of United Cities and Local and Regional Governments (UCLG). Because we know that without our participation and permanent evaluation these contents become a dead letter or end up liquefied in neoliberal agendas that harass us with more and worse of the same.
What are we going to do?
The International Meeting for Equal Cities will take place from October 28 to 31 in the city of Buenos Aires, linked to the World Zero Evictions Days and the World Day for the Right to the City.
It will include a series of activities such as a cultural event, a workshop on the right to the city and thematic panels on urban inequalities, the care of common goods, feminist urbanism, the future of work, the integration of migrants and refugees,the role and the challenges of intermediate cities and subnational financing.
During the Meeting there will be an Assembly of social movements and a roundtable with progressive mayors from different cities of the world. Likewise, there will be a collective position document to be presented before the Urban20.
We call for the social organizations of the G20 countries to participate in this Meeting and we urge the local authorities involved in the U20 to include civil society representatives in their delegations.
We look forward to see you in buenos Aires!
Domingo 28 de Octubre (16 a 20 hs)
"Encuentro Cultural por Ciudades Igualitarias"
Parque Centenario (esq. Leopoldo Marechal y Díaz Vélez, CABA)
Festival público con Entrada Libre y Gratuita
Lunes 29 de Octubre
Barrio de La Boca (CABA)
17:00 hs Tour de los Desalojos
(inscripción hasta llenar cupo: / Punto de encuentro: Caminito, Vuelta de Rocha)
20:15 hs Tribunal Popular Internacional contra los Desalojos
: presentación del proceso de gentrificación del barrio La Boca
(Olavarria 636, CABA - Asociación de Socorros Mutuos y Musical Unión de La Boca)
Entrada Libre
Martes 30 de Octubre
14:00 hs. Recorrida por Proyectos de Vivienda Cooperativos
(inscripción hasta llenar cupo: marinathia@hotmail)
Salida desde la puerta de Universidad Isalud (Venezuela 847, CABA)
18:00 hs. Taller "Derecho a la Ciudad"
Universidad Isalud (Venezuela 847, CABA)
Miércoles 31 de Octubre
1er. Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias
Facultad de Derecho UBA (Av. Figueroa Alcorta 2263- CABA)
9 a 10 Recepción e Inscripción
10:00 Talleres Temáticos (Aulas 241/2/3/4/5/6)
14:00 a 16:30 Asamblea de Organizaciones Sociales (Aula 1 Extensión)
17:00 a 20:00 PANEL DE CIERRE (Salón Auditorio) con Alcaldes, Intendentes e Intendentas locales e internacionales.
Entrada Libre y Gratuita
Signing organizations
Centro de Estudios y Acción por la Igualdad (CEAPI) – Confederación de Trabajadores de la Economía Popular (CTEP-CABA) - Habitar Argentina - Coalición Internacional para el Hábitat (HIC) - Plataforma Global por el Derecho a la Ciudad - Alianza Internacional de Habitantes (AIH) - Secretaría Latinoamericana de la Vivienda y el Hábitat Popular (SeLVIHP) - TECHO Internacional - Red Mujer y Hábitat de América Latina - Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) - Red Mujer y Hábitat - Comisión Huairou - Instituto POLIS - Ministerio Público de la Defensa de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales - Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia - Frente de Organizaciones de Tierra, Infraestructura y Vivienda de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (FOTIVBA) - Madre Tierra - Corriente Feminista La Ría - Federación de Villas, Núcleos y Barrios Marginados (FEDEVI) - La Boca Propone y Resiste - Comisión de Hábitat y Género de Habitar Argentina - Urbana TeVé - Proyecto 7
The Volunteer translator for housing rights without frontiers of IAI who has collaborated on the translation of this text was: