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Publicación: Alternativas populares de acceso a recursos para la construcción de vivienda. Una experiencia en el Sureste de México

Una experiencia de producción social de vivienda en el Sureste de México, coordinadora Cristina Almazán.Para impulsar un proceso colectivo y unitario en la defensa del derecho a la vivienda adecuada y por acceso a financiamientos alternativos para tierra y vivienda, en el Sureste de México se trabajo para posicionar la estrategia de la Vía urbana y comunitaria para bien habitar el planeta.  Alternativas populares de acceso a recursos para la construcción de vivienda.pdf [1.79 MB]

Publication: "Políticas alternativas de vivienda en América Latina y el Caribe"

One step further in the construction process of the Urban and Community Way towards an alternative Social Urban Pact Land and housing policies implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean, founded on the role of the state as facilitator and the subsidiary role of private initiative, have failed all the countries of the region in a definitive way; in spite of economic growth, there is a year-by-year increase in the deficit of adequate housing, affecting mainly lower income sectors. Recently, the multilateral organizations that have promoted these policies, conscious of this failure, have tried out diverse formulas in an attempt to correct the situation, ineffective because they fail to attack the root cause of the housing problem. This study by the International Alliance of Inhabitants identifies what the causes are and points out how they should be tackled in order to come up with a potentially successful solution to the problem. Given the importance of analyzing each problem in its concrete context, it is necessary to start from a new focus that will enhance research and bring us closer to viable solutions. The Urban Popular University (UPU) is therefore proposing a process of deliberation on alternative social practices that favour the construction of collective knowledge capable of having an impact on public policies. The first step taken by the IAI and the organizations that are converging in the construction of the Urban and Community Way has been to redefine the notion of “housing”, an exercise that has served to propose a goal for policies, priorities and more suitable strategies. Políticas alternativas de vivienda en América Latina y El Caribe.pdf [2.53 MB]

Marcha Nacional de Reforma Urbana ocorrerá em todo o país

Moradia digna, transporte público de qualidade e cidades  justas para todos. Esses são os pilares da Marcha Nacional pela Reforma Urbana, que ocorrerá no próximo dia 28 (quarta-feira), em todo o Brasil. O ato organizado pelo FNRU (Fórum Nacional de Reforma Urbana) ocorrerá nas cidades de Belém (PA), Manaus (AM), Recife (PE), Porto Alegre (RS), Curitiba (PR) e São Paulo (SP).

Morocco Conference: Cooperative Housing and the real estate crisis

On Saturday 27 July 2013, The Réseau Marocain Pour Le Logement Décent organised a conference on the theme: Cooperative housing and the real estate crisis, at the seat of the Bars of Rabat.

Cooperative housing facing the financial and housing crises

Faced with the growing power of real estate speculation at international level, whose effects have been felt particularly in the USA and a good number of European countries, particularly in Southern Europe, the international meetings in Lyon, France (UCLy- 5 July 2013), propose to make a start on developing a comparison (and not an opposition) between the Latin and Anglo-Saxon models arising from social cooperation and their application in the area of affordable housing:  the "Community Land Trust" representing the Anglo-Saxon model and "Latin cooperatives" of inhabitants as the Latin model.

La AIH presenta Estudio sobre el Fondo para la Vivienda en el IV FSA

La AIH participó en un Foro organizado por el Centro Cooperativo Sueco denominado “Acceso al suelo urbano para la vivienda popular”, donde expuso los resultados del estudio hecho recientemente en torno a las políticas de suelo y vivienda en la región y a las bases que pueden sustentar una propuesta alternativa.

The city today in Latin America and the Caribbean

In recent decades, Latin America and the Caribbean have experienced a noticeable growth in urbanization. In the nineties, the region’s urban population (human settlements comprising two thousand or more people) was 71%, and by 2025 it will reach 85%. 42% of the population lives in 49 cities of over a million inhabitants.

AIH: Financiamiento para tierra y vivienda

Entre el 2007 y el 2010, la AIH desarrolla un proceso de reflexión colectiva sobre la ciudad y la vivienda en la región AL/C, se realiza un análisis general de las políticas de vivienda en Perú y República Dominicana; se proponen lineamientos para implementar Fondos Populares de Suelo y Vivienda; y se inicia un proceso de discusión amplia. Este artículo presenta una síntesis de estos avances.

Santo Domingo: 1.52% of GDP to overcome housing deficit

Santo Domingo, 19 February 2012. More than one hundred representatives from various organisations, including urban, country, cooperatives, trade unions, women, youths and nongovernmental met for the workshop meeting “On public policies of finance and social investment, focusing on popular housing and the security of tenure” held in the meeting room of the Bono Centre in the City of Santo Domingo. They agreed to introduce a process of policy advocacy for policies on housing, land and security of tenure, as well as a social investment equivalent to 1.52% of GDP.