Home » The Urban Way » World Assembly of Inhabitants 2015 » WAI Activities » IV International Meeting of resistance struggles against the Real Estate Markets

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The Urban Way

IV International Meeting of resistance struggles against the Real Estate Markets

Thematic axis: Land, Roof, Inhabitants

World Assembly of Inhabitants

The International Alliance of Inhabitants is an international network of associations and social movements of inhabitants, cooperatives, communities, tenants, owner of their homes, homeless people, slum dwellers and inhabitants living in working class neighborhoods. The objective of the IAI is building another possible world starting from the achievement of the right to housing and to the city. The World Assembly of Inhabitants strengthens the convergence of struggles, essential to meet this challenge.

General Objective of the session:

This meeting will develop a process for convergence of resistance and fighting for victims of real estate markets.

  1. Specific objectives: Via representation in different countries (Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Italy, USA, Russia) we will share experiences and analyze the housing insecurity caused by economic factors: evictions of tenants, auctions mortgage, scam reclaims. As well as ways to challenge them.Debate in order to develop an agenda to mobilize future international meetings (workshops, seminars, Skype etc.) Produce a declaration for World Social Forum – World Assembly of Inhabitants and set out the steps to be followed, such as an international alert system which allows us to support those suffering such problems in different countries via the international networks.Request participants to diffuse results achieved by WSF-WAI locally
  2. Use the Declaration as a contribution to the World Urban Social Forum alternative to the Habitat III Summit (Quito, October 2016).


All the inhabitants organizations and networks involved in such struggles are invited to make a contribution to this Meeting.