Inhabitants at the People's Summit, Rio+20
The inhabitants toward the People's Summit. Proposals and struggles for living well on our planet
The International Alliance of Inhabitants, global network of urban social organizations and movements without boundaries, strongly supports the Call of the People's Summit for Social and environmental Justice and the Permanent Assembly of the Peoples, against the commoditisation of life and nature and in defense of common goods, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-23 June 2012, simultaneously to the UN Conference for Sustainable Development (Rio+20).
¡Contamos con tu participación! 27 al 29 de abril 2012, Xalapa, Veracruz
Les invitamos al Encuentro Mexico construyendo la cumbre de los Pueblos a realizarse en la ciudad de Xalapa, Ver.El evento sera transmitido en directo por RADIO CIRCE, les enviamos el enlace. Esperamos se conecten y compartan con nosotras este evento.
¡Contamos con tu participación! 27 al 29 de abril 2012, Xalapa, Veracruz
El Colectivo de Organizaciones Mexicanas por la Justicia Social y Ambiental
hacia la Cumbre de los Pueblos, convoca el Encuentro internacional
México construyendo la Cumbre de los Pueblos Río+20
a realizarse del 27 al 29 de abril en la ciudad de Xalapa, Veracruz.
Let’s mobilize together towards Rio+20 and beyond
Peoples and citizens are already starting to prepare for the Summit Rio+20. Find here the Initiatives and the schedule of activities of the partners in the process. Find also the Documents and Proposals, and be part of the Rio+20 Community.
Building an Urban and Communitarian Way from Porto Alegre to the Peoples’ Summit in Rio
Building an Urban and Communitarian Way from Porto Alegre to the Peoples’ Summit in Rio
During the Thematic Social Forum in Porto Alegre which included CONAM, FCOC, IAI, FNRU, the unity of urban social movements was highlighted. Also highlighted was the fight against evictions. This debate takes place in the context of participation-building at the Peoples’ Summit and at the Peoples’ Permanent Assembly that will take place parallel to the Rio+20 United Nations Conference, where we intend to advance the construction of the Urban and Communitarian Way.
Construyendo la Cumbre de los Pueblos Río+20
Las mujeres de pobladores cruzando los pantanos para llevar la víveres a los damnificados
El 7 de diciembre 2011, se realizara un encuentro de organizaciones de la sociedad civil al Molino, México, etapa mexicana de los Pueblos y los ciudadanos-as en marcha para organizar la Cumbre de Río+20.
Lima, Derecho y Cultura del Agua
La intervencion de Pedro Arrojo
El día lunes 28 de noviembre 2011 hubo lugar, en la sede de Sutesal (El Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de la Empresa del Servicio de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Lima),
la conferencia magistral sobre el Derecho y Cultura del Agua.
Climate Change and Urbanization: Perspective Bangladesh
Water pollution slum Gulshan Lake, Dhaka, Rahman lrnirjhar
The inhabitants of Dhaka are 15 million, 40% of it is “homeless slum dwellers”, and in each year population is increasing by 1.1 million. Change can be happen only through a horrific change, when each of the building will be built with proper plan, if the in-city industries are relocated to a planned industrial zones, new residential areas will be built for the new comers, new parks, open spaces, play grounds will be created, roads will be wider, pollution will be reduced, then the city will be full of green.
Inhabitants in Dhaka, en route to Rio+20
Part of the Inaugural session
During the SASF Shelter for the Poor have organized a seminar on the “Climate Change and Urbanization: Perspective Bangladesh” and have Coordinated a “Plenary” of the “Human Rights and dignity” along with other organisations (WAI Bangladesh Committee, PDAP, IPD, RHDS, DSK and PRATAY). More 100 people have attended this step to prepare the inhabitants participation in Rio+20 next June 2012.