Home » The Urban Way » January 26, 2008: WSF Global Day of Mobilisation » Initiatives » Russian Federation: Institute for Collective Action

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Russian Federation: Institute for Collective Action

Name of the organization:
Institute for Collective Action
Your favourite tongue:
Institute for Collective Action
Your country of residence:
Russian Federation
Briefly describe what kind of initiative you propose and its territorial dimension:
In Tyumen' Oblast:
On 26 January meetings in Tyumen' and Ishime will take place, starting at 12:00.
On 27 January a meeting will take place in Surgut, starting at 12:00.
Organizers: committee of solidarity actions, the worker communist party RKRP and the free trade unions (against repressions in the oil companies).
Contact: 8-908-874-98-56
More details about this: "for the civil liberties and social justice": the announcement of actions in Surgut and Tyumen' Oblast
Your requests and proposals for the Global Day of Mobilisation in your territory/country:
On the 26th of January protest actions will take place all around the world under the initiative of the World Social Forum – under the traditional slogan “Another world is possible”. In the frames of this day Union of Coordinating Councils of Russia is going to organize protest actions under the slogan “For civil rights and social justice” and invites all social, civil nets and political oppositions for participation.
Full direction where you organize the action (street, number, city, country) in order to insert it in the interactive map: