Related information
The Community Way: worldwide movements towards Quito for the alternative Forum to Habitat III and beyond
The participants at the International IAI Strategic Meeting (La Bergerie, 11-15 01 2016)
As part of a veritable platform of exchanges and shared initiatives, from the 11th
- 15th
January 2015 in La Bergerie, France, the IAI brought together representatives from social movements, grassroots organisations and inhabitants’ networks from 21 countries from every continent, in order to define the Strategic Lines and an action plan for the coming 5 years. In accordance with the People’s Committee for Land – Resistance Platform to Habitat III established in Quito, a call for the creation of national and local People’s Committees was launched. These would be united participants in the mobilisation towards the People’s Social Territorial Forum Alternative to Habitat III. in October 2016.
Santa Cruz, Bolivia, inicia el II Encuentro Mundial de Movimientos Populares
“Esta es una experiencia inigualable…”, “sabía que sería lindo, grande, pero nunca pensé algo así…”, “me sorprendió el colorido, la diversidad, la profundidad de los planteamientos…”, “es un momento histórico, la voz del pueblo, sus luchas, y ahora con el apoyo del Papa, tendremos sin dudas un camino por recorrer pero mejor acompañados…”; estas fueron algunas expresiones que salieron del plenario al cierre de la apertura oficial y primera jornada del II Encuentro de Movimientos Populares que contó con la presencia de Evo Morales, presidente del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.
Advancing the Right to the City
In order to contribute to the process of building a global platform for the Right to the City and creating international strategies for incorporating it into the new International Urban Agenda post 2015 (the Sustainable Development Objectives and the Habitat III) there will be an International Meeting on the Right to the City in São Paulo, Brazil, from November 12-14 2014.
The civil society: the UN-Habitat’s “Manifesto for Cities” does not represent our opinions and strategies
We publish the official report of the Round Table at f the World Urban Forum in Naples, which challenges the propaganda that claims a pretended unanimous acceptance for ‘Manifesto for the Cities’, revealing, rather, an unprecedented breakaway from? the UN-Habitat’s handling of the issue that contradicts the ‘human rights’ approach which should be part of its very DNA. This is a new challenge to defend democracy for the civil society.
Partnership according to UN-Habitat. A call to save the planet through democracy
“Sorry if I arrived late and I haven’t been able to follow your talk, but I left my headset for interpretations in another room.” Thus the person representing UN-Habitat began the dialogue with civil society organisations at the World Urban Forum.