Updates on appeal
A call to unite all groups and organizations that work to claim the human right to housing
A call to unite Tenant Unions, Homeless Organizations, Public Housing Organizations, Foreclosure Resisters, Zero Evictions Organizers, Housing Advocates and all groups and organizations that work to claim the human right to housing.
Argentina: Building the World Assembly of Inhabitants...
On 22 September the Southern Zero Evictions Antenna held a fellowship dinner in the “Our Home” Popular Diner, with organizations, cooperatives and friends from the International Alliance of Inhabitants, to share information and plans for setting up an Argentine Committee to plan for and promote the World Assembly of Inhabitants.
A Representative Committee has been inducted into the World Assembly of Inhabitants in Mexico
Reunión de instalación del Comité Promotor
On June 5 2009 directors of urban social organizations meeting in Mexico City decided to set up the Representative Committee for the 2011 World Assembly of Inhabitants (WAI) and to push forwards the initiative of the WAI 2011 in different social and political spheres of influence, eg making a call for the integration of other social urban movements and the protections of land and water and to outline a direction toward the WAI 2011.
Let's coordinate our efforts against neo-liberal globalization in order to be able to build together another possible world and other possible cities!
Desde la Carpa Derecho a la Ciudad FSM México hacia la AMH de Dakar
En la carpa Derecho a la Ciudad del Foro Social Mundial-México, del 2 al 4 de mayo de 2010, aproximadamente 150 lideres del movimiento urbano popular mexicano, acompañados por la Federación Uruguaya de Cooperativas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua, COOPHABITAT de Dominicana, Federación de Tierra y Vivienda de Argentina, Forum Nacional de Reforma Urbana de Brasil, Movimiento Guatemalteco de Pobladores, Comité Promotor por la Renovación Urbana de Perú, Observatorio DESC de Barcelona, Servicio Voluntario de la Comunidad Europea, llegaron a las siguientes conclusiones:
Inhabitants from Bangalore to Dakar through Asia!
Building the WAI Steering Committee for Asia (Bangalore, 18-22 August 2010)
Statement - WAI Preparatory Meeting -August 18-22, 2010 Bangalore, India
On the occasion of the Asian Citizens Assembly (ACA), held in Bangalore, India, 18-22 August 2010, we, participants representing different inhabitants’ organisations and networks in the region, have met to share our respective member communities’ responses to evictions and the strategies and alternatives we present to governments with a view to securing land and housing for the families affected.
Inhabitants from Dhaka to Dakar through Asia!
Building the Bangladesh WAI Steering Committee (Dhaka, September 2 2010)
Draft statement
WAI (WSF 2011) Preparatory Meeting of Bangladesh Steering CommitteeSeptember 02, 2010, Dhaka, BangladeshOn the occasion of the preparatory meeting of the Bangladesh steering committee on the World Assembly of Inhabitants-WAI / WSF Dakar, Senegal (Dhaka to Dakar), held on Thursday, September 02, 2010 at Shelter for the Poor office, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, we, participants representing different inhabitant’s organizations (NGOs working on housing and Land rights issues) have met to share our experiences on housing rights and its violations as well. Our fellow participants, the head of inhabitant’s organizations shared ongoing activities, experiences, struggles and dealing with the continuing challenge of government approach of eviction without any rehabilitation.
Rencontre DAE-AIH vers l'AMH de Dakar
A l’occasion des « Journées Internationales pour le droit au logement sans frontières » de Bobigny, une rencontre s’est déroulée entre une délégation de Droit à l’Energie SOS Futur et de l'Alliance Internationale des Habitants. Il a été convenu que l’échéance de l'Assemblée Mondiale des Habitants (FSM Dakar, février 2011), présentait une réelle opportunité pour permettre l’émergence d’un travail commun.